Sovvenzioni Principali
Fornire alle comunità ebraiche assistenza finanziaria per migliorare le opportunità educative e favorire stabilità e crescita.
Coinvolgimento Strategico
Promuovere la qualità e la leadership accademica nelle scuole ebraiche con un coinvolgimento strategico che miglioral'esperienza educativa.
Modelli di Eccellenza
Definire un nuovo standard per l’educazione ebraica globale attraverso il lancio e l’attuazione di iniziative utilizzate come punti di riferimento per l’eccellenza.

Our mission
is to strengthen
Jewish identity
around the world
The Yael Foundation accomplishes this by providing accessible, high-quality educational opportunities to Jewish children.

L’impatto della Yael
La Fondazione Yael nel Mondo
Iceland Jewish Sunday School
Regional Jewish School
Oslo Afterschool
Helsinki Jewish School
Beth Aviv School
☉Yavne School
☉Tachkemoni School
Chabad Hebrew School
Kadimah School
☉ Chneor-Avenir School
☉ Beth Aaron School
Bukovina Jewish Center
Hatikva School
Jewish Community Center
Bayit Afterschool
Chabad Berlin Lubavitch
Chabad Serbia
☉ Or Menachem Cheder
☉ BeYachad Jewish Center
☉ Mitzva 613 Lyceum
☉ Simcha School
Pri Etz Haim School
☉ JRCV Center
☉ Lauder School Vienna
☉ Sephardic Community Center
Maimonidesz School
☉ Ilan School
☉ Maimonides School
☉ Ohalei Chinuch School
☉ David Wolfsohn College
FJC Programs
Merkos School
Agudat Israel Afterschool
Stratford School
Chabad Frankfurt
Chabad Geneve School
Chabad Hamburg
Beit Yakov Afterschool
Beit Menachem Lyceum
Israel House
Beit Chaya Mushka School
CILV Lausanne
Chabad Portugal
Ibn Gabirol School
☉Or Torah School
☉Kerem Menachem School
☉ Yavné School
☉ Gan Ami School
☉ Or Hachaim College
☉ Yavne School
☉ Yavne School
☉ Integral Hebrew School
Etz Chaim School
Or Menachem School
Beis Aharon School
☉ Tikva Children's Home
☉ Or Avner Lyceum
JCP Kindergarten
Tachbar School
Chabad of Malta
☉ Chaya Muska School
☉ TTH Barilan School
Riga Chabad School
☉ Beit Chabad Morumbi
☉ Lubavitch - Gani Schools
Alef Beth Chaoul School
Chabad Jewish Center
Chabad Eftis Afterschool
JRLC Sunday School
Jewish Education Center
Or Torah School
Tucuman Jewish School
☉ Chai Preschool
☉ Noam School
Jewish Organization Menorah
Or Avner School
Or Avner Gymnasium