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We are thrilled to announce the new and exciting KIDS ZONE opened at the children's center at the Bait synagogue and community canter in Richmond, Vancouver.

The event was attended by the Chief Rabbi of Vancouver, the mayor of the city and the President of the Jewish Federation. The initiator of the project is the rabbi of the "Bait" community Levi Virnai. This project came to life thanks to generous support of the Yael Foundation.

Barcelona, Spain

Working visit to the Jewish school of Barcelona Collegio Hatikva

On May 20, CEO of Yael Foundation, Mr. Eliezer Lesovoy had meetings with school principal Mr. Ari Messer, and the President of Barcelona Jewish Community Mr. Raymond Forado.
Aya Napa, Cyprus

Cheder Or Menachem (Anatevka, Kyiv) Summer Camp on Cyprus with the Yael Foundation support

Inspiring summer camp program was conducted on Cyprus by Cheder Or Menachem. Two groups of children - boys and girls, spent unforgettable week in the camp.
Richmond / Vancouver, Canada

KIDS ZONE at the Bayit Jewish Community

We are thrilled to announce the new and exciting KIDS ZONE opened at the children's center at the Bait synagogue and community canter in Richmond, Vancouver.